Anima & Concert Choir

Grades: 6th -12th

Treble Voices


Michelle Bendett (Anima and Concert Choir)

Zach Kubasta (Concert Choir)
St. Olaf Intern: Heather Wallace

Rehearsal time: Mondays 6:30–8:30 p.m.

Rehearsal location: Bethel Lutheran Church (1321 North Avenue, Northfield)


  • $45 registration fee (single student) or $60 registration fee (family).
  • Tuition: 9 monthly payments of $80.45 ($724 annual tuition).
  • $25-$35 estimated uniform fee. Uniform information
  • An enriching annual summer tour, optional but strongly encouraged at an additional cost. Location, dates and costs announced each fall
  • Families with more than one singer enrolled in the NYC will pay full price for the singer in the highest tuition choir and receive a 10% discount on the tuition of the other singers in the family.
  • Financial assistance is available

Anima (meaning life, soul, spirit, breath, mind) is our choir for treble singers in grades 6-12. Studying the finest music from a variety of cultures, styles, and periods, these singers are challenged to perform at the top of their ability and develop their unique voice through score study, music interpretation, ear training, and vocal development. Anima enjoys yearly retreats, performs locally throughout the season, tours regionally each summer, and performs in our winter and spring concerts.

Concert Choir

Anima combines with the Troubadours to form the Concert Choir. Concert Choir rehearses during the second hour of rehearsal on Mondays. The Concert Choir performs at our annual winter and spring concerts, local civic events, and on tour.

Summer Tours
Our staff believes singers learn invaluable lessons and create life-long memories by touring. The Northfield Youth Choirs plans tours for each of our touring choirs. The NYC strives to keep tour prices as reasonable as possible and to only charge for the actual costs incurred on tour. For this reason, tour transportation, meals, lodging, and other necessary fees are billed later in the year as a “tour assessment.” Tour information, including destination, length, and actual price, is given to families in the spring semester.

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